B Homecare: Post Partum Services

B-Homecare’s experienced staff will facilitate in helping you with any Post Partum and After Birth Care. We recognize that newborn care deals with more than your newborn baby; post partum and after birth care is extremely beneficial to the newborn’s mother and her well being. We specialize in providing support – both at our facilities and available to our patients to provide home health services – to deal with the mother’s issues of soreness, urinary issues, contractions, and other physical ailments resulting from pregnancy and the delivery. Mood swings and changes are very common with post partum symptoms. They can be subtle or extreme – frequent or sporadic. B Homecare’s after birth care specialists can help navigate the anxiety, irritability, depression and other mental and emotional symptoms triggered by post partum.

Compassionate Post Partum and After Birth in Home Care Services

There are many minor health issues that are directly or indirectly related to post partum and after birth care that may not be commonly attributed to them. That is where our home health services become a huge asset to our patients. Our staff excels at administering evaluations to identify and isolate issues affecting both maternal and newborn care so that mother and child are both developing effectively.


Some minor health problems – such as urination, hemorrhoid, or bowel movement problems – can be embarrassing for the new mother; she might not realize that trained health care professionals can be of great help. Our home care services want you to feel safe and comfortable talking with us about these issues.

B Homecare: Post Injury/After Surgical Home Care

B Homecare is a reliable, well-known source for post partum and after birth care. Our personal home care aides have a proven track record assisting new mothers and infants. Whether it is at our facilities or operating as home health services – B Homecare specializes in providing aide to deal with soreness, urinary issues, contractions, and other physical ailments resulting from pregnancy and the delivery. Our after birth care personnel  can help you navigate the waters of mood swings and changes such as anxiety, irritability, depression, and other mental and emotional symptoms triggered by post partum. Our home care aides frequently administer evaluations to identify issues affecting both maternal and newborn care so that the new mother and infant can find a sense of calm and normalcy in the new life dynamic. Contact B Homecare to learn all of the ways our experienced, caring home care aides can be of assistance.

If you would like to learn more about how B-Homecare can help you or your loved one, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. You are not committed to any services by speaking with one of our knowledgeable staff. We would be excited to be help you to learn more and welcome the opportunity to try to help!

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615 Piikoi Street; Suite 501, Honolulu, HI | 808-949-4663 | Home Care Services Agency | www.BHomecare.net